An attempt to remap Europe and claim back the lost territories of the North Sea

When we came back to Bremen in November, we visited Bremerhaven as I wanted to see the harbour, which supposedly influenced Goethe’s use of land reclamation in Faust.

During one of the warmer weekends in early August, we took a day trip to the peninsula of Butjadingen, between the Jade and Weser estuaries. I’d been interested to go there for some time, as I was taken by the way it looks on maps, criss-crossed by thousands of small drainage canals.

Land Wursten
The next Sunday, we went again to the coast, as Tom had read on the forecast that it will rain everywhere except the seaside. We headed to Land Wursten, the land of Wurten, or dwelling mounds, on which once lived the inhabitants of this marshland.