An attempt to remap Europe and claim back the lost territories of the North Sea

Norderney: Day three
The campsite was on the southern side of the island facing the mainland. The terrain was flat, and as it neared the Wadden Sea, it became marshy. A fence prevented us from getting close to the water.

Norderney: Day two
The next day was about as warm as is possible on a North Sea island. We took a bus into the town. After stopping at a take-away for fish in a bread roll, we ventured through the central streets.

Norderney: Day one
We arrived in Norderney late afternoon on the Friday. Alessandra had unexpectedly arrived the day before and was keen to join us for a weekend on the island.

Land Wursten
The next Sunday, we went again to the coast, as Tom had read on the forecast that it will rain everywhere except the seaside. We headed to Land Wursten, the land of Wurten, or dwelling mounds, on which once lived the inhabitants of this marshland.