An attempt to remap Europe and claim back the lost territories of the North Sea

Part three: Adventures in Doggerland: Day one
I was in England last week and had the opportunity to visit to some of Doggerland’s territory. The trip was all a little rushed, so I have only now had a chance to write about this. I flew to Stansted, largely because Ryanair was the cheapest airline available from Berlin, and Stansted is where they […]
More on the Dogger boat
From Henk Dogger in Brisbane Brian Fagan, The Little Ice Age, Chapter 10: “Bucking the Trades” [] Naval architect and historian John Leather believes doggers had their origins among working boats already familiar to North Sea fisherfolk. Their ancestry clearly lay in the long tradition of lapstrake shipbuilding inherited from Norse ships and earlier prototypes. […]

Jacob Richard Dogger (December 30 1918-April 3 2011)
By Sandra Dogger Klassen In 1973, as his only son Ken was being viewed in his coffin, Dad took my arm and said “I’ll walk with you, Sandra”. I’ve walked with you since Dad and yet that walk is the one I remember best. There was one other “online” walk we took together, the one […]