An attempt to remap Europe and claim back the lost territories of the North Sea

New land
On the Saturday, we travelled north to Lelystad, the namesake town of Cornelis Lely. Lely is known for his plan to enclose and partly drain the Zuiderzee (the former “south sea”), creating the province of Flevoland, of which Lelystad is the capital.

Stavanger: Day three
I spent the afternoon on a tourist cruise of the Lysefjord. As I am leaving tomorrow, I thought I should sample some Norwegian food. I have been cooking for myself all week, as I can’t afford the restaurants. I bought elgkarbonader (which are patties made from moose meat) and some ready-made beetroot salad in the […]

Stavanger: Day two
I’ve been at a loss at what I should do in Stavanger. Everything seems so expensive and I don’t really want to part with the little bit of money I have budgeted for the trip. Yesterday I decided simply to wander along the waterfront. As a typical landlubber tourist, I felt compelled to photograph practically […]
More on the Dogger boat
From Henk Dogger in Brisbane Brian Fagan, The Little Ice Age, Chapter 10: “Bucking the Trades” [] Naval architect and historian John Leather believes doggers had their origins among working boats already familiar to North Sea fisherfolk. Their ancestry clearly lay in the long tradition of lapstrake shipbuilding inherited from Norse ships and earlier prototypes. […]